SIBO relapse and recurrence

SIBO relapse and recurrence
Medically reviewed by:
Dr James Freeman
There are several reasons SIBO recurs
1. You were not adequately treated the first time
2. You were diagnosed with the wrong type of SIBO
There are three different types of SIBO:
• hydrogen-dominant
• methane-dominant
• sulphide-dominant
The significance of your fermentation gas profile is that it directly reflects how various organisms within your gut microbiome are interacting.
It has been observed that different treatment protocols are more or less effective for these variants of SIBO. Specific herbal antimicrobials and/or antibiotics are used depending on what type of SIBO you have. Optimal post treatment protocols also vary according to the type of SIBO. For example, someone with methane dominant SIBO should probably focus on gut motility supplements post treatment to prevent reoccurrence.
3. You did not successfully repopulate your gut to a healthy state post treatment
When you take antibiotics or antimicrobials, you kill bacteria. That is a good thing in the case of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, but you need to understand the importance of effective repopulation post-treatment.
4. You have an underlying condition that slows gut motility that needs addressing and treating
5. You always had, or have developed SIFO alongside or instead of SIBO
If you have ever developed thrush after a course of antibiotics you have seen fungal overgrowth on your outsides. Thrush can also develop in the small intestine, and this is effectively what SIFO is although the Candida albicans organism is not necessarily the main or only issue.
6. You snack an excessive amount
The migrating motor complex is essential to the health of your small intestine. It aids in controlling the number of bacteria in your small intestine. It cycles through roughly every 90 minutes, acting like the house cleaner for the small bowel. Every time you eat, you inhibit its ability to do its job as effectively.
7. You spend a lot of time sitting down
8. You got food poisoning and you have
semi-permanent intestinal damage that needs
time to recover
SIBO in both its initial instance and recurrence can be triggered by food poisoning. How this happens is quite interesting. E. coli, Campylobacter jejuni, Shigella, and Salmonella produce a substance called cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) [2] which can damage cells in the intestines and impair MMC function.