All you need to know about leaky gut and autoimmune disorder

Nov 7, 2022 | Effects, Gut Health | 0 comments

We all know that gut health is essential, but we still don’t know much about the trillions of bacteria that live in our intestines. A new study published in Nature shows that some of these bacteria can change over time and become harmful instead of helpful. When this happens, the bacteria can get through the walls of the intestines and invade other organs, causing inflammation and other health problems. The research conducted by Yale University is just one more step in understanding how gut health affects our overall health. So far, we know that gut health is linked to everything from immunity to mental health, and this new research will help us learn even more about this critical topic. We will dig deep about leaky gut and autoimmune disorders.

Leaky gut and autoimmune disorder: what’s the connection?

Leaky gut

There’s still a lot we don’t know about leaky gut, but we do know that it’s a condition where the walls of the intestines become damaged. This damage allows bacteria and other harmful substances to leak into the bloodstream, leading to inflammation and other health problems. The most common cause of leaky gut is an infection, but it can also be caused by stress, certain medications, and even some food allergies. Once a leaky gut is present, it can allow all harmful substances through toxins, bacteria, and undigested food particles. All these things can cause inflammation throughout the body, which is a significant factor in many diseases, including autoimmune disorders.

Autoimmune disorder

Autoimmune disorders are conditions where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells. Depending on the particular disorder, this can lead to various symptoms. Some more common autoimmune disorders include Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.

The connection

A leaky gut is thought to be a significant factor in autoimmune disorders. When a leaky gut allows harmful substances into the bloodstream, it creates a chain reaction that can eventually lead to autoimmune disease. The inflammation caused by a leaky gut is thought to be one of the reasons why these conditions develop. It is early in investigations, there is still much we don’t understand about autoimmune disorders. This connection offers a potential explanation for why these conditions are on the rise.

What happened with increased intestinal permeability?

Researchers have found that the “good bacteria” in our gut microbiome help the body in many ways. For example, they help us to get the nutrients we need from our food and to break down complex carbohydrates. They also assist with nerve function and help to keep the intestinal walls healthy. The intestinal wall is a barrier that separates the contents of the gut from the rest of the body. This barrier comprises tiny pores or openings that allow nutrients and water to pass through the bloodstream. Typically, these pores are very selective about what they let through. When our gut microbiome is out of balance, and there are more bad bacteria than good bacteria, this can sometimes set off our immune system. The pores in the intestines can become more extensive and allow all sorts of harmful substances through. This can make it possible for bacteria and toxins in the intestines to get through the intestinal walls and into the bloodstream. Intestinal permeability can lead to various health problems, including inflammation.
All you need to know about leaky gut and autoimmune disorder

Research about the within-host evolution

What is the study all about?

Dr. Noah Palm and his team at Yale University have investigated gut bacteria’s role in chronic inflammation. Their latest study looked at whether gut bacteria changed while still inside the body, a process called “within-host evolution.” The results of their study showed that, indeed, within-host evolution was associated with a higher intestinal permeability rate. This means that gut bacteria that are constantly changing are more likely to cause chronic inflammation. This is an important finding, as it could help to explain why some people are more susceptible to chronic inflammation than others. Palm and his team are continuing to investigate the role of gut bacteria in chronic inflammation, and they hope their work will eventually lead to new treatments for this debilitating condition.

Within-host study

Dr. Palm and his team’s recent study has found that a type of bacteria known as Enterococcus gallinarum may be linked to diseases such as urinary tract infections, pelvic infections, and endocarditis. This research is significant because it provides insight into how these diseases develop and how they might be prevented in the future. The study used a mouse model to test the effects of E. gallinarum on the body. The researchers found that over time, some of the bacteria developed small changes to their DNA that allowed them to live in the lining of the intestinal walls. Eventually, the bacteria got out of the gut and into other body parts, including the lymph nodes and liver. The immune system kicked in when the body sensed that the bacteria were present and caused inflammation. This research provides valuable information about how certain autoimmune diseases develop and how they might be prevented in the future.

Research results

The human body is home to trillions of microbes, most of which reside in the gut. The gut microbiome is constantly changing as different species of bacteria compete for dominance. Occasionally, a bacterial species will mutate, making it more dangerous to its hosts. Researchers have found that these bacterial species can change over time, making it harder for the immune system to find and kill them, crossing the intestinal barrier, staying in our organs, and causing chronic inflammation. Because evolution is a random process, this may explain why some people can live for years or decades with a potentially dangerous species in their gut without getting sick. Thus, the constant change in our microbiomes throughout each person’s life can be a unique source of randomness in how diseases develop.

Not all bacteria are the same

Dr. Palm’s findings are still in the early stages of basic research, so they can’t yet determine how to diagnose or treat patients with high IP. However, the data suggests that a leaky gut may be caused by specific changes in how bacteria act caused by evolution within the host in a subset of patients. So, interventions that stop immune evasion from getting better or target moving microbes could be used to prevent or treat diseases caused by bacterial movement. Dr. Ashkan Farhadi, a gastroenterologist at Memorial Care Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA, agreed that this study is not yet good enough to help with diagnosis or treatment. But it is a study that helps us form hypotheses and learn more about the problem. By continuing to conduct research on this topic, we may eventually be able to develop better methods for diagnosing and treating diseases caused by bacterial movement.

Research conclusion

We have come a long way in understanding germs and their role in our health, but there is still much to learn. Recent research has shed new light on the complex community of bacteria living in our gut and their vital role in our overall health.

While we have long known that some types of bacteria can cause disease, we are only beginning to understand how these microbes interact with each other and our bodies. This new research provides an essential first step in developing new treatments for leaky gut and other conditions like obesity and type II diabetes.

With further study, we may be able to harness the power of these tiny creatures to improve our health in ways we never thought possible.

Treating leaky gut

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating leaky gut. The best course of treatment will depend on each individual. In some cases, a leaky gut may be caused by a specific type of bacteria that is difficult for the immune system to kill. In these cases, it may be necessary to use antibiotics to eliminate the bacteria. In other cases, a leaky gut may be caused by a combination of factors, including diet, stress, and other health conditions. In these cases, treatment will address the condition’s underlying causes. Dietary changes, such as eliminating trigger foods or following a specific leaky gut diet, can help manage the condition. Stress management and relaxation techniques may also be recommended. Supplements may also be recommended to help heal the gut lining.

Supplement for leaky gut

If you’re struggling with a leaky gut, finding a product that can help repair your gut and improve digestive symptoms is essential. FixBIOME’s Gut Fix is a next-generation formulation with clinically proven ingredients designed for maximum bioavailability.

All ingredients are sourced from the USA and processed in an FDA-approved lab. The proprietary blend of amino acids, herbs, and minerals can help to improve gut health and reduce digestive symptoms. Plus, it’s vegan, gluten-free, and GMO-free.

Supplementing your diet with Gut Fix can help to repair a leaky gut. This clinically studied l-glutamine supplement speeds up the 48-hour cell turnover of your gut lining and promotes structural integrity by repairing the tight junctions of the gut.

In addition, the Gut Fix works to increase the guts’ ability to absorb nutrients and eases inflammatory skin and immune conditions to promote overall health. Gut Fix also infuses your gut with probiotics to facilitate gut repair and assist in healthy digestion. By taking Gut fix regularly, you can help to keep your gut healthy and reduce intestinal inflammation.


Gut Fix – Repair

An essential for addressing gut issues and repairing the gut.

Gut Fix – Repair takes a three-pronged scientific approach that will have you defeating gut issues & taking back control of your digestive health. Gut Fix works to increase the guts’ ability to absorb nutrients and eases inflammatory skin and immune conditions to promote overall health. Your gut is responsible for nutrient absorption from the foods you eat and supplements you take. Without a healthy gut any supplementation is redundant.

The bottom line

If you’re struggling with a gut issue, it might not be just “leaky gut.” It could be that harmful bacteria have taken over and are wreaking havoc on your system. While the research on leaky gut and autoimmune diseases is still in early stage, it’s clear that there may be a connection between the two. And as we learn more about how bacteria act within the gut, we may be able to find ways to prevent harmful bacteria from evolving and causing harm.

Gut Fix is a supplement with clinically proven ingredients formulated to fix the gut and improve digestive symptoms. And because it’s made with natural ingredients, you can trust that you’re doing something good for your health when you take Gut Fix.

All you need to know about leaky gut and autoimmune disorder